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on the Couch

Raucous, unbounded, exuberant, all-age competitive fun is something video games are known for. Find the right games for your family and you can create important and healthy ways to let off steam, excel and persevere as you sit next to each other on the sofa. These games can play a big part in raising children to be magnanimous in victory and generous in defeat. Kids love competing online, but the games here focus on battling in the same room. Played with multiple controllers and a shared screen, they offer challenges that require real skill and give everyone a chance to rise to the top of the family pile.
This list includes 185 games from the last 27 years, with 2,795 likes. They come from a range of different genres and play-styles and are all good games if you want to compete on the couch.

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Mario Strikers Battle League Football is a sports action game and the latest in the Mario Strikers series.

Mario Strikers Battle League Football is a sports action game and the latest in the Mario Strikers series. Like the previous games, it offers a five-on-five battle sport that combines football and ice hockey with Nintendo characters.

Rayman Legends is a platform game, the sequel to Rayman Origins, where you get sucked into a painting that takes you to a fantasy world with all sorts of creative running and jumping challenges.

Rayman Legends is a platform game, the sequel to Rayman Origins, where you get sucked into a painting that takes you to a fantasy world with all sorts of creative running and jumping challenges. You play through the 120 levels, with up to four players working together to run, jump and attack their way through the level.

The Otterman Empire is a fun shooting game where you battle anthropomorphic characters in Splatoon-like arena encounters.

The Otterman Empire is a fun shooting game where you battle anthropomorphic characters in Splatoon-like arena encounters. There's a single-player adventure where you traverse eight planets to save the galaxy.

Brawlhalla is an online fighting game where, like Smash Bros, the goal is to knock opponents off the stage.

Brawlhalla is an online fighting game where, like Smash Bros, the goal is to knock opponents off the stage. You do this by using your character's specific attacks to damage them until they can't get back to the platform.

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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