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Another Crab's

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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Another Crab's Treasure (2024) is a fighting game where you play a crab on a quest to reclaim their shell. As you explore verdant kelp forests, sandy shallows and deep trenches, you fight big crustacean enemies, unlock new abilities, and find new bits of rubbish you can use as shells and weapons to arm yourself with. It stands out for the subtle reminder of ocean pollution, hard yet fair combat and a vibrant world to explore.

Kril is a hermit crab, whose shell gets repossessed. You find an old tin that you can use as a temporary replacement and set out on a quest to reclaim it. As you move deeper into the ocean depths, you fight increasingly imposing enemies who each use the trash in the ocean as either an offensive or defensive aid. Along the way, you unlock Umami Techniques which can increase your attacking and defensive powers. Items you find, such as old mugs and soda cans can become shell upgrades, boosting your defence.

Combat is inspired by Demon's Souls and similar games, where precise dodges, parries and attacks are essential to overcoming enemies. Along with the over 50 shells that aid you in different ways, there are many weapons you find each with specific properties. Experimenting with these combinations is key to overcoming the harder opponents. While you can face the bosses quickly for a greater challenge, you're also able to spend time exploring for new shells and weapons and learning new upgrades, before you face each enemy, lessening the challenge if needed.

The result may sound like a strange mix of a silly underwater adventure and difficult fights but it actually works well as a game that rewards skill and practice but is still approachable to younger and less experienced players thanks to the option to spend time growing in strength before each fight.

Our examiner, Ben Kendall, first checked Another Crab's Treasure 21 months ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated 2 weeks ago.
Kids not old enough for this yet? There are lots of games similar to Another Crab's Treasure. Here are some similar younger-rated games:

Play StylePlay Style

This is a Fighting and Traversal game with Action and Adventure elements. This is a single-player game.

You can play this game in the following styles:


We haven't documented duration data for this game yet.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 12 for Moderate Violence, Mild Swearing.

Skill Level

10+ year-olds usually have the required skill to enjoy this game. Still, it's important for parents and guardians to consider the maturity required to process the game content. Combat is fast-paced and precise, and you need to quickly lock, attack and move. Players should also be able to cope with losing the same fight multiple times.


Another Crab's Treasure usually costs £26.99.

Another Crab's Treasure

Steam Store PC £26.99
Switch Store Switch -
There are no additional in-game purchases, loot boxes, adverts or subscription costs.

DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 25/04/2024

Out Now: PC and Switch

Skill Rating: 10+ year-olds

Players: 1

Genres: Fighting, Traversal (Action and Adventure)

Accessibility: 0 features documented (Tweet Developer )

Components: 3D Third-Person and Cartoon

Developer: Aggro Crab Games (@AggroCrabGames)

Taming Gaming Book Written by parents for parents, the database complements the in-depth discussion about video game addiction, violence, spending and online safety in the Taming Gaming book. We are an editorially independent, free resource without adverts that is supported by partnerships.

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