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Play OverviewPlay Overview

Nier: Automata (2017) is a role-playing game, that span off from the Drakengard series. It's set in an alternate future where there is a war between alien machines and human androids. But this isn't a game about winning the war. It's more focused on the plight of a combat android, her companion, and a fugitive prototype.

It's a hard game. You explore the world on foot, encountering characters and combat as you go. The battles are fought in real-time using a range of attacks. As well as this there are platforming elements as well as more pure shooting sections. As you progress you gain experience and level up health, defence, and attack power. Alongside the main story are side quests and shops in which you can purchase items to help you on your way.

The story branches depending on your choices and how well you do in combat. There are 27 different endings in total so players often complete the game multiple times to experience these. However, it is possible to get all of the endings without starting over.

Running through both this story and the interactive elements are unusual themes drawn from the plight of these robots in the midst of the war. This takes it to the heights of the history of philosophy, challenges human exceptionalism and even touches on the meaning of life.

This is kept from feeling too airy fairy by being rooted in a harsh narrative about these sexualized battle androids. As Chris Plante put it, "you kill robots who spend their days raising children, having sex, reciting literature, building and destroying societies, and obsessively seeking any meaning whatsoever. You claw for the meanings of being and not being. And all of this, somehow, despite the odds, works."

Our examiner, Andy Robertson, first checked Nier: Automata 3 years ago. It was re-examined by Jo Robertson and updated 12 weeks ago.
Kids not old enough for this yet? There are lots of games similar to Nier: Automata. Here are some similar younger-rated games:

Play StylePlay Style

This is an Adventure and Role-Play game with Action, Collecting, Fighting, Narrative and Shooting elements. This is a single-player game. The game adjusts how many bodies you find in an area based on how many players usually die there. When you find a corpse you can "revive" it as computer controlled companion. If you find your own corpse this also returns lost experience points.

You can play this game in the following styles:


Play Time: This game will take between 29 hours and 35 hours to complete. Although to see everything and multiple endings means that some players invest 100's of hours.

Age RatingsAge Ratings

Content Rating

Rated PEGI 18 due to frequent scenes of strong, graphic violence and strong language. Violence varies from non-realistic fight scenes between humanoids and robots to more graphic cinematic scenes involving human-like characters being impaled on large swords with large amounts of blood and injuries being depicted.
Strong language including the word ‘f**k’ and its derivatives can be found throughout the game.

Rated for younger players in Australia. Rated Mature Accompanied (MA 15+) for Bloody Violence, Strong Science Fiction Violence.


Nier: Automata usually costs £29.99 to £34.99.


Steam Store PC £29.99

Nier: Automata

XBox Store PC £34.99
XBox Store Xbox One -
PlayStation Store PS4 -
Switch Store Switch -
There are the following additional costs associated with this game:
  • In-Game Purchases: Additional in-game purchases are offered for items that enhance the experience.
You can purchase cosmetic items for the game. Pod Skins: Play System, Cardboard Retro Grey, Retro Red, Grimoire Weiss, Amazarashi Head and Machine Mask Accessory. Outfits: Revealing Outfit, Young Man’s Outfit, Destroyer Outfit. There are also additional sub-quests that can be purchased: three different battle challenges.
  • Nier: Automata Game of the Yorha Edition includes the DLC
  • Nier: Automata Become as Gods Edition includes the DLC 
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DetailsGame Details

Release Date: 23/02/2017, updated in 2018

Out Now: PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One

Players: 1

Genres: Adventure, Role-Play (Action, Collecting, Fighting, Narrative and Shooting)

Accessibility: 27 features

Components: 3D Third-Person

Developer: Nie R Game (@NieRGame)

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